History of construction

A Brief History of the Building Construction Industry

The History of Building construction industry is very interesting. It provides information about the management techniques, tools and materials that were employed in the construction of famous structures, which are yet present to this date.  The early man took shelter under rocks, caves, tupiq and huts. The tupiq and huts were built self sufficiently by their inhabitants and no skilled workers were employed. The equipment used at that time were made of stone and bones, which are more brittle in nature. Most of the materials were perishable like leaves, grass …

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How the Industrial revolution has changed the construction industry

The birth of the Industrial era has started in the eighteenth century. This led to an increase in the sizes of the cities and the need for construction.  Changes that happened in construction Industry during the First Industrial Revolution The industrial revolution has shown the development in railways, canals and macadam roads during the nineteenth century. New construction devices including the steam engine, machine tools, explosives and optical surveying have evolved. The steel was mass-produced from the mid-nineteenth century. The usage of glass panes in the buildings has started to …

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